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When Working with a Team, Keep Your Cool

Teamwork can take you far! But remember, working with others is an art: if you’re not mindful of your words and actions when collaborating with people, you may sabotage your and your team’s success.

Whether you’re on a team of two or twenty, there are several tactics you can adopt to help everyone work in harmony. You’ll be an effective leader and collaborator if you: 


Misunderstandings can be frustrating timewasters. To set your team up for success, make sure everyone has a clear sense of their role and objectives. Clear communication will enable your team to divide and conquer more effectively, as well as make everyone more comfortable exchanging questions and ideas in general. 


Your peers and colleagues have many strengths. Open yourself up to learning from the skilled professionals around you. When the people on your team offer suggestions or solutions, listen to what they have to say. If everyone is allowed to offer their strongest contributions to the group, your team will produce quality work and solve problems more effectively.  

Control Your Outward Emotions.

While feeling stress and frustration at times during the workday is understandable, don’t let them impact your professional demeanor. The people on your team work hard; even if they make mistakes, be respectful. Don’t waste time casting blame; focus on solutions! If you find yourself making unkind outbursts at others, you may benefit from giving yourself more time for self-care throughout the week. Unaddressed stress and other negative emotions can sap your energy levels, make it more difficult to deal with challenging situations, and increase your chances of burnout overall. Take care of your mental health; you’ll be a better leader and teammate. 

When you work with others, you get more done. More tips for building your team and succeeding in the face of stress are available on the Syncis Money Blog today.