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Steps to Protect Your Retirement

It takes years of steady progress to build a sustainable retirement fund. Thankfully, many of us still have a few years ahead of us to make progress on our goals. If, however, we frequently lose valuable time and money to financial emergencies, we put ourselves at risk of retiring with less than we planned, or even having to delay our retirement entirely.

We can’t rely on a few lucky paydays to build our retirement fund! Enable yourself to keep up a steady saving habit by taking these three steps:

  • Pay Down Debts: If are still paying down a debt, you are losing what could otherwise be growth for your retirement fund to bills and interest. Set a goal of a realistic amount of time in which you can pay down the debt you owe, whether it be on a credit card, car loan, or payment on an appliance. Similarly, make sure you are planning each month to pay down as much as you can of what you still owe of your home mortgage. If you focus on paying more than the minimum payment every month and set a goal of defeating your debt well before your retirement, you prevent potential headaches during what should be relaxed years of your life!
  • Create an Emergency Fund: If you were faced with a major expense, such as a bill for car repair or for a plumber to fix a problematic leak, would you have to interrupt your savings to cover the cost? If you focus on creating an emergency fund now, you will be able to meet these moments without holding up your retirement fund’s growth. Don’t put yourself at risk of going into debt over an emergency, and thus the added expense of interest. You deserve the best retirement possible. Sometimes, you will have to protect your ability to save, so that you don’t get swept up by sudden additional costs in the present.
  • Insure Your Future: An emergency fund is often not adequate to cover certain unexpected but costly life events. A combination of appropriate insurance policies will be another valuable form of retirement fund protection.

It takes long-term preparation to transform years of hard work into years of relaxation.

To learn more about preparing for retirement, visit the Syncis blog at