A college education is already a major financial challenge for most American families, but it becomes infinitely more difficult for a student when a parent dies, leaving little or no life insurance. In addition, many parents don’t realize that some types of life insurance policies have features that can be used to help fund a college education while the parent is still alive. Unfortunately nearly 100 million Americans don’t have life insurance, and most with coverage have far less than recommended.
Recognizing the need to educate families on the importance of life insurance, SYNCIS® has decided to make a multi-year commitment to become a sponsor of the Life Happens Life Lessons Scholarship Program!
We will be funding two $5,000 scholarships for 2025!
The Life Happens Life Lessons Scholarship Program is designed for college students and college-bound high school seniors to share their experience about the importance of having life insurance coverage for their family.
The top SYNCIS professionals from around the country will be invited to review submissions to pick two individuals to win the scholarships, based on their compelling and heartfelt stories.
Qualified applicants can submit a 500 word essay or a 3-minute video to Life Happens discussing how the death of a parent or guardian financially affected their life.