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How to Overcome Stress and Perform at Your Best

Is anxiety affecting the quality of your work? Some amount of stress during the workday is normal; you likely have many things to do in a limited timeframe. However, once stress starts affecting your focus and workflow, consider taking steps to control it and its impact on your professional performance. 

Don’t let stress keep you from putting in your best-quality work! When stressors start encroaching on your productivity, give yourself time to:  

Acknowledge Your Stress.

Stay mindful of your mental and emotional state throughout the day. When you notice that anxiety is affecting you and your ability to do your work, don’t bury or ignore it. You can only “push through” stress so many times. Acknowledge and address fatigue and frustration on a regular basis before they become too overwhelming.  

Take Care of Yourself.

Incorporating self-care into your week will help prevent stress buildup and keep you feeling well on a regular basis. Make sure to get the doctor-recommended amount of sleep each night. Fuel yourself with quality food; overdoing it with caffeine and snacks can amplify any anxiety you may be feeling. Take care of your body each week. Assess if and where you are holding physical tension. Stress can contribute to body aches and pains that further impede your ability to focus on your work. When you feel frustrated in the moment, try to calm your physical stress response; take a round of deep breaths. Take a stretch break or short walk. In terms of healthy work habits, don’t multitask. Switching between tasks can make it harder for you to focus overall, thereby increasing your stress levels, which can make it even harder for you to focus, throwing you into a stressful feedback loop.

Identify the Source of Your Stress.

If high amounts of anxiety are impacting your mental well-being and ability to focus on your work, try to identify what’s at the root of your stress. For example, if you find yourself consistently rushing for time, consider assessing your time management habits or getting outside help with your busy schedule. If personal or financial stress is occupying your mind, set a goal to address your personal needs and goals, for your and your family’s sake. 

Stay Positive.

Don’t despair. When you feel overwhelmed, step away from the task at hand for a moment to re-center yourself. No matter how daunting a challenge may seem, remind yourself that you’ve overcome hurdles before. Have faith in your ability to effectively deal with whatever is bringing you stress. If you feel like you’ve exhausted your professional knowledge, reach out to a member of your network for their support and expertise. 


When stress builds up in your life, reach out to your support network. They can help you relax, improve your focus, and identify ways to tackle the root cause of your stress. 

Don’t let stress keep you from achieving your goals. More tips for overcoming hurdles and improving your professional performance are available on the Syncis Money Blog today.