Four Communication Tricks All Leaders Should Adopt
Straightforward, positive communication within the workplace has shown to encourage increased levels of creativity and productivity. The most successful companies practice clear messaging and maintain open lines of communication with their team to improve efficiency and guarantee that all parts of their organization are moving in the same direction.
Stay in-step with your team by adopting these four simple but helpful habits:
Weekly Check-In: Get to know your team. Make yourself accessible for when they have questions. You can meet privately with people in your office, or you can take no-pressure walks to buy a quick cup of coffee. By making time to meet with your team one-on-one, you convey respect and appreciation.
Take Advantage of Tech: If you are away from the office, offer to FaceTime, Skype, or WhatsApp with your team if they would like to consult or check-in with you. Thanks to many tech-based services, many people are able to work remotely periodically without issue.
More Than Words: Your team follows where you lead. They will look to your actions, body language, work attire, and overall demeanor as a guide. Be mindful of your presence and try to maintain a positive, open posture with your team.
Ask for Ways You Can Improve: It never hurts to strive to be better. Effective leaders are confident but also understand the need for lifelong learning. Ask the members of your team for feedback on how you can improve. Just as they will learn from you, you can learn from them. Take the opportunity to work with your team to find the solutions that will achieve your shared interests and make the experience rewarding for all involved. By combining their insights with your years of experience, you may find yourself mentoring a future generation of thoughtful team players before you know it!
Ready to lead your team? Learn more helpful tips at www.syncis.com/blog.